Life @ SVMS

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General Guidelines

Parental Responsibilities

The responsibility of ensuring that wards arrive at and depart from school on time rests solely with the parents or guardians. The school's responsibility ends once the school day is officially over.

Visiting School

Parents wishing to meet their children during school hours must obtain prior permission from the Principal.

School Uniform

Parents must ensure that their children wear the prescribed school uniform. This helps maintain a sense of discipline and equality among students.

Fee Payment

Fees should not be sent via students. Parents or guardians are responsible for remitting fees directly to the school administration before the stipulated due date.

Financial Guidelines

Late Fee Penalties - Fees delayed beyond the 10th of each quarter are subject to fines. Specific dates include 10th September and 10th December.

Fee Arrears - Students with fees outstanding for two consecutive quarters may be subject to removal from the school rolls.

Use of School Diary - The school diary is a critical tool for parents to track their child’s daily academic progress. It also serves as a communication link between parents and teachers, facilitating discussion about the child’s activities at home and school for mutual improvement.

Parent-Teacher Cooperation - To ensure the best educational outcomes, maximum cooperation between parents and teachers is essential. We encourage an open and constructive dialogue to support each student’s learning journey.

Communication and Involvement

Comments and suggestions from parents and well-wishers are invaluable. The management considers all feedback for the continuous improvement of the school.

Parents who wish to meet class teachers may do so weekly, every week from 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM, after school hours.

Any changes to the list of holidays or working days will be communicated to students and parents as needed, ensuring all parties are well-informed.

Please do not send children to school if they are ill. This helps prevent the spread of sickness and ensures the well-being of all students.

Once fees are paid, they are non-refundable under any circumstances.

The school uniform must be worn on all school days and during important functions to maintain decorum and unity among students.